Madame FIGARO 1 Year Subscription Plan

  • On Sale
  • 定價 $599.00


一年六期訂閱計劃:$599* (原價$720)
六期包括:逢 2月 / 3月 / 5月 8 / 9月 / 11月出版之期刊


  • 優先選擇每期封面
  • 取書方法:經由快遞送出

1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: 6 issues for $599* (Regular Price: $720) 

*Shipping fees inclusive

6 issues including the JAN/ MAR/ MAY/ AUG/ SEPT / NOV print issues

  • Cover selection for each issue 
    (Cover selection for subscribers:
  • DELIVERY by Express – Hong Kong & Macau only 


  1. 雜誌封面選項會於每期雜誌之出版日,以電郵或電話聯絡讀者自行選擇;
  2. 雜誌封面須視乎供應情況而定
  3. 訂閱申請手續一經辦妥,不可取消或退款
  4. 本公司保留訂閱申請之最終決定權
  5. 以上個人資料只供訂閱用途,絕對保密;
  6. 如有查詢,請電郵至

Terms & Conditions

  1. Email will be sent to your registered email for the selection of the magazine cover for each issue.
    If New Media Services Consultant Company Limited could not receive any feedback within 2 weeks after the magazine published, that issue will be allocated with the cover at random
  2. Magazine cover is subject to availability
  3. No refunds or cancellations will be accepted once your application is confirmed
  4. New Media Services Consultant Company Limited reserve the right to make all final decisions
  5. Your personal information is confidential and will be used strictly for subscription purposes. If your subscription application remains incomplete after two weeks, any personal data held by New Media Services Consultant Company Limited will be destroyed
  6. For enquiries, please email us at